Day 19: Full Locust Pose
Poorna-Salabhasana, Full Locust Pose
This posture targets your middle spine and is the only pose in the entire sequence in which you do not use any leverage to help move your body. You are only using your back strength, focus, and determination to life your arms, body, head, and legs off of the floor! Just like Cobra Pose, it might be challenging to keep your two legs together throughout the posture. Unless pain is telling you to back off, keep trying to bring your legs together with all of your might. To help life your upper body, use your eyes to look up and back. One day, you will have only your hips bones on the floor with the rest of your body in the air!
Benefits of Locust Pose Include:
Increases spinal strength and flexibility helping to relieve back pain
Improves functioning intestines, liver, kidney, and spleen
Permits maximum expansion of the lungs
Accelerates circulation of spinal fluid
Improves digestion
Helps relieve lumbago, rheumatism and arthritis of the spine
Strengthens the immune system and revitalizes the thyroid