Pilates Clinic w/ Stephanie & Thea

Saturday, April 12, 1:30-3:30pm

Pilates is a form of calisthenics, or strength training, that uses multi-joint movements and the individual’s body as resistance. The difference is the 6 principles that make up the foundation of a Pilates practice: Breath, Concentration, Center, Control, Precision & Flow. We will discuss these concepts and how they can be applied to each section of the IHP framework in order to transform your experience on the mat.

While there will be time for Q&A be ready to move as your questions are best answered on the mat. We will be giving adjustments to fine tune your form and offering modifications that better support where you are in your practice.

Bring your questions, mat, towel and water.

$65 (current monthly and annual members receive 20% off)