We want you to have a great experience at HYR. Keep these things in mind when planning your next visit:


We recommend reserving your space in class ahead of time to guarantee a place in the room. If a class is waitlisted, it will say “waitlist only”. If there is no option to book a class, that means that class is full and the waitlist is also full. Always check back an hour prior to the start of class as space may become available.

Cancellation & No Shows

If you are unable to make it to your reserved class and you do not cancel 1 hour prior to the start of class, you will incur a $10 fee. Drop-ins, class card holders and “limited members” will lose a class in addition to the fee.


If you are waitlisted for a class, expect to come to class! You can be added to the class up to 1 hour prior to the start of class. You also have the option to show up for a class and see if there are no-shows or last-minute cancellations; waitlisted students will always be given priority over walk-ins in the order that they are registered for class. If you are on a waitlist and can no longer attend class, we suggest cancelling your waitlisted spot to avoid a no-show penalty.

Hours of Operation

  • The studio opens 15 minutes before class starts and closes 15 minutes after class ends. Please respect our hours of operation and be mindful coming and going.

  • Students must arrive on-time for class! Latecomers will not be admitted. We lock the door at the start of class.

  • We ask that students stay for the entirety of class. If you cannot attend a full class, please choose a different class time to attend.

Age Restrictions

Participants must be at least 14 years of age to take a class, and 16 years of age to practice on their own. All participants under 18 will need a parent signature to register for class. Anyone under 16 must be supervised by a parent/adult at all times during class. We do not allow unsupervised guests in our lobby during classes.

Check In

When you arrive, check yourself in on the iPad at the front desk.

Mat & Towel Rentals

Please bring your own gear! On days you forget something, or if you are a traveling visitor, we rent mats, yoga towels, and shower towels for $5 each. If it is your very first class, you can rent a mat/towel combo for $5.

Electronic Devices

We do allow smart watches to be worn in class, however, they must be on silent. Phones are not allowed in the yoga room unless you have an emergency. If you have an emergency that requires you to have your phone in the room, you must notify your teacher before class and have your phone on silent throughout the entirety of the class.

Package Expirations

All single class purchases and class cards have expiration dates. We do not grant extensions, so be mindful of your package’s expiration date.

Package Sharing

The only shareable packages at HYR are class cards, and they may only be shared with family. We do not link client profiles unless they meet this criteria. If you are looking to get on an unlimited auto-renewing contract with someone, please reach out for our monthly auto-debit or yearly couples annual option HERE.


Members are students who actively hold a limited or unlimited monthly, quarterly, or annual auto-debit pricing option. We require 30 days notice to cancel limited and unlimited monthly memberships. The quarterly and yearly annual packages cannot be cancelled. We allow 1 hold per calendar year for a maximum of 30 days. After 30 days, the suspension will end and the membership will automatically restart.


At HYR we aim to keep our prices affordable and therefore do not offer discounts. If affordability is an issue or becomes an issue for any prospective or current student, we ask that you reach out to us at info@hotyogarichmond.com to inquire about work/study positions.

All Sales Are Final

All sales at HYR are final. We do not offer refunds, extensions, or transfers.