Day 22: Half Tortoise Pose

Ardha Kurmasana, Half Tortoise Pose

This posture before Camel is meant to give you the boost of energy that you need to finish the class. This is a fantastic shoulder opening posture. If you have a challenging time straightening your arms in the standing series, this is your posture! Here, gravity is working with you, so you might find it easier to get your arms straighter. This posture is also an inversion ( a little baby inversion!), and floods your brain with oxygen! You get the benefits of doing a posture such as a handstand or headstand, but anyone can do it!

Benefits of Half Tortoise include:

  • Rejuvenates and relaxes — this posture can be practiced anytime whether you are warmed up or not!

  • Assists in relieving digestion problems

  • Stretches the lower part of the lungs and helps to increase lung capacity

  • Excellent for respiratory conditions

  • Helps with insomnia

  • Increases flexibility in the hips and shoulders

  • Floods the brain with fresh oxygenated blood

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